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ANTE-POST Any Inrunning League Shots worth a Look?


spam removed by komp
Sep 29, 2011
Sorry im ust tryig to mae things more pleasant about here even if you all dont. I could rename this 'How To Get The Best Out of Post Prefixes' but ....we can talk about that too.

Any teams you fancy to win the league as we go?

Scottish footbll is fucked for me since preseason. I ha a hard good look ante post. afterwards i started to learn how to program in computer languages (that no cunt ever uses anyore lol)

Anyhow i'll fid some 'ante post' threads once i post this i hope. Lets keep the thoughs a comming. Ill be back looking at all he leagues in a sec
ill always chose this first alhough it has no bearing barr from an interest perpepction.....

ooooo you have to like that Allan Moore managerial post at Arbroath. He must have won this league about 3 times and knows what it takes. I nearly backed Arbroath blind when i saw he had the job. His tactics might have got found out in the Championship with Morton but he knows how to win this league.

Is that David Sinclair ex Queens Park at Clyde? Probably will be. Him and Gray look like the only 2 decent signings theyve made to me. Lost 4 of last seasons squad to higher league teams too i note. Nah Ferguson is a bawbag and it will shine through his team too. Im NOT backing clyde this season as it stands.

Need to read more about Arbroath. wont be that much of a differant arbroath that got relegated last season. Fuck the last time arbroath where in this league i had £450 on them at 9/2 (won). I think a fiver is my biggest bet since :\

I know he gets a slagging from p&b folks but i do like Mcbride at arbroath (ex cowdenbeath and Raith) Hopefully he's up for it this season in what im guesssing is his first in the bottom league. Maybe they need one or two more players to be a good bet. Theyre starting to look solid enough though and should be there abouts imo.​

Think theyre gonna get a bad patch soon.
Ive got derby preston hearts minus rangers (4/5) and.......stenhousemuir top 4 :( - another shit betting plan.

I havent checked the odds for a few days nor have i found out if Tidser has actually signed for Morton but have a look and if he has then i reckon Morton are nearer 5/4 than 7/2 for the league. Fuck i dont even know for sure that they are full time but with Peter Macdonald back (aye him spacecat i know him well lol) i think they could be a coin toss for the league. Heads they get fucking going a bit and have a solid finish ot Tails = 'the same old fucking morton that folks have been dissapointed with all their adult life'.

I dont think Dunfermline have the same scope as Morton. I think all thats happened lately is that dunfermline have proved their doubter that they are actually 'not very good and i cant see them getting much better. Aye they'll go on run have be there abouts but in reality they'll be lucky to get a play off place and even luckier to beat Stranraer or forfar in the playoff (theyve struggled int he play offs v both the last few years if my memory actually has some fact in it.

Morton IS a good bet i reckon and i would love if someone could tell me that im shallow as fuck in my thoughts here and that iim just throwing my money away. Folks DONT. My whole life ive had to rely on me and ....as....i would see it other wise lol. Even if you dont follow or bet on scottish football then ....fuck im all dots and 'errrr i forget the name of these'. russell grant thingines. I dont make much sense as as ever im a fool to myself....as i have to be. No cunt ever tell me 'komp just get your fucking money on this because of a ba and c and that im a fool not to. slag me. Calll me a poof. surely someone on a bettting forum has some thoughts on how the season is panning out with realtion to bookie odds? I might be madder than i was but i still have STRONG feelings about the odds markets. As i get older i get into logic, Feynman, disecting everything, I always told my girlfriends that in time i would disect our relationship and the feelings of love on a slab and they would leave me. Everyone of them did. That said 80% of them i woke up in the middle of the night to tell them 'something really important' and the important thing was, to me of course, was that i had doubtfull feelings of my love for them. I thought i could get away with it as i was...dont do ''''''' komp dont....dont do dots....arggh...nope i cant post without 'errrrr them russell grant things'..fuck.....what you call ''' (thats a ' inside a '') i havent done any capital emphasise for a while (you all loved this sort of shit 10-15yrs ago lol) ...lol's are problamitic for me online too. shit i need a new paragraph. its (uncapitalised to annoy Keemanan)...i forget

(i hate a lack of full stop at the end of a paragraph more than most grammical thingies. I LUV MATHS not language. Maths, like language are like cells and viruses in an ongoiing battle older than we could even imagine. Are they differant though? Never thought about it. Lets think about it.....
I havent checked the odds for a few days nor have i found out if Tidser has actually signed for Morton but have a look and if he has then i reckon Morton are nearer 5/4 than 7/2 for the league. Fuck i dont even know for sure that they are full time but with Peter Macdonald back (aye him spacecat i know him well lol) i think they could be a coin toss for the league. Heads they get fucking going a bit and have a solid finish ot Tails = 'the same old fucking morton that folks have been dissapointed with all their adult life'.

I dont think Dunfermline have the same scope as Morton. I think all thats happened lately is that dunfermline have proved their doubter that they are actually 'not very good and i cant see them getting much better. Aye they'll go on run have be there abouts but in reality they'll be lucky to get a play off place and even luckier to beat Stranraer or forfar in the playoff (theyve struggled int he play offs v both the last few years if my memory actually has some fact in it.

Morton IS a good bet i reckon and i would love if someone could tell me that im shallow as fuck in my thoughts here and that iim just throwing my money away. Folks DONT. My whole life ive had to rely on me and ....as....i would see it other wise lol. Even if you dont follow or bet on scottish football then ....fuck im all dots and 'errrr i forget the name of these'. russell grant thingines. I dont make much sense as as ever im a fool to myself....as i have to be. No cunt ever tell me 'komp just get your fucking money on this because of a ba and c and that im a fool not to. slag me. Calll me a poof. surely someone on a bettting forum has some thoughts on how the season is panning out with realtion to bookie odds? I might be madder than i was but i still have STRONG feelings about the odds markets. As i get older i get into logic, Feynman, disecting everything, I always told my girlfriends that in time i would disect our relationship and the feelings of love on a slab and they would leave me. Everyone of them did. That said 80% of them i woke up in the middle of the night to tell them 'something really important' and the important thing was, to me of course, was that i had doubtfull feelings of my love for them. I thought i could get away with it as i was...dont do ''''''' komp dont....dont do dots....arggh...nope i cant post without 'errrrr them russell grant things'..fuck.....what you call ''' (thats a ' inside a '') i havent done any capital emphasise for a while (you all loved this sort of shit 10-15yrs ago lol) ...lol's are problamitic for me online too. shit i need a new paragraph. its (uncapitalised to annoy Keemanan)...i forget

(i hate a lack of full stop at the end of a paragraph more than most grammical thingies. I LUV MATHS not language. Maths, like language are like cells and viruses in an ongoiing battle older than we could even imagine. Are they differant though? Never thought about it. Lets think about it.....
Had to go to 'full post' there slick to post this comment (he's the one you pull up if a pixel aint right. well someone has to take the responsibility. Usually i would finish that with a :lol slick but i wont. This doesnt mean im really peeved off with betnod 'bought from php Burtons Menswear' over an ajax error but i do think it helps 'anything' for it to be throughly thrashed by anyone with a point. shit..errr

ok is it true Declan Mcmanus has went back to aberdeen with his loan spell over? I it true im pretty sure. I also think that he was just a kid in the right place at the right time and he's easily replaceable. Fuck i'd have got 10 goals for Morton this......ok so now i see why the pub shut early and im here an hour early. Dont tell folks how to do their job. Simple. Well dont tell folks how to do their job if you cant even stand up and they decided that buying a pub 3 months ago was gonna put food (or drugs) on the table of their house.

Ill save all my bollocks for that thread i started. Suppose all the internet needs is 'chatty folk'. The more knowledgable and amusing/easy going good for a laugh types the better. They dont waant folks to whip and strip them just because they've backed a team and seem quite sure about it even though they know nothing more than 'the numbers' (yes ive been playing COD again)

Don't even get me started on ANYONE WHO DARES TO PLAY POKER AND ENJOYS IT WITHOUT READING AT LEAST SEVEN 'ESSENTIAL' POKER BOOKS. I just cant compute it all and...typography porn im having, capitals in 'HERE' and....ach im starting to sound like a fool. Need a beer and a smoke.

This is...sorry IS!!!! OUR time (like the super capitals?) and all we can do is deal with it the best we can. Funny how for months on end i cant open an email nor a letter or post on Reddit and now with a bit of chemistry going on in my body i suddenly feel that ...dont komp dont .... that the zeitgeist of the world is mine if i want it as it seems no other cunt wants it. Ok that sounds bad but i will try to explain quickly, reality is what i most fear but if i have to deal with it then i'll probably go over the top and either be a) fucking great with no room for error or b) a total and uuter failure beyond human belief. Maybe if i hadn't have tried so many things then i wouldnt have failed so much? thats certainly one way of looking at it. ah! wait a sec, i forgot, i have suffered from delusion all my life. I never knew that things are 'relative to the observer'. I think i'm talking General Relativity again. Im such a bore... :( that statement itself 'proves' it. Do folks like sitting about just thinking of the nature of reality and matter? Generally... (caps alert) ...NO. Do they find it interesting? Not initially but if i start with quantum entaglement and ..... nope im gonna go on. theres a million threads i could have started whilst posting this. Im not even gonna start talking about my new found interest and annoying lack of understanding of Kurt Godel's Incompeteness theorem. Ach you can do anything with maths. Its all based on 'fuck all' and you can tell anyone that komp told you that.

Sad little man, with no non-etheral plans. Maybe i could convince folks that the plan sounds good and get them believing before i fail as i just cant be fucked or maybe there is no free will and we are living in a reality thats nothing more than say, a DVD movie that plays out time and time again. Holographic Principle seems to support this thought as does the 'B Theory of Time' (see Gen Chat). Let me say that i dont think a holographic universe is any more likely than 'believing in some daft god' (god is not a good theory as Mr 'science is the only truth ex ok fella now really annoying but synchronic (on my deluded part) Sean Carrolll.

Sorry chaps im on the wrong thread arent i? this thread is all about sharing knowledge and gaining information which we will all evaluate as only each individual can and it's only relative to us and how we percieve things. What we do with that information is what 'being great' and probably enjoying our existance is all about.

So which friendly stranger (needs '' doesnt it?) ....so which 'friendly stranger' has some information to share for us all to evaluate? This .....dont komp dont capitalise it ....this IS!!! the ...oooooo a wee 'russel grant' coming up.....'the information age' and we're all soaking in knowledge so much so we dont know what to fucking do with it. I have been thinking of the psychology of betting forums and why folks find it hard to share 'any shitty info they have'. Its not as they are long in tooth with the internet or psychologically broken with Verdana font (your really boring folks now komp. You dont know what else to do barr posting on this threaad do you?

Ok to save my sanity im away to look at oddschecker and seek solice in betting odds that dont really get me thinking about my failures in life. I'll take my chance and best case scenario i'll be drinking a ltr bottle of morgan spiced come 10 past 5 on saturday. If i lose a 700/1 accy due to a 90th minute winner for the villians then at least i can lie in bed wanking to video porn thinking back on more innocent days when i would avidly collect porn mags. It was just a hobby thing. Everyone gets the 'collecting' bug over something dont they? Certainly a new thread...

sorry for going on folks and being random over an inrunning ante post thread. fuck it lets get pissed for the 2nd time today :rocking (my day started about monday night btw but i wont go into it. Im boring me now now. there is plenty of self deluded people with no idea where they sit in the grand scheme of things. Thats ok though as possibly just being ignorant is enough to get by in this day and age. Three 4/7 shots , could get 4/6 elsewhere but a wins a win eh? (sic) boring us all with their sense of reality.

No offence meant im just throwing some ideas about. We're all shite in our way i suppose. Well when we hit 40. Fuck i hate being old. Ive almost nothing left to live for. All my time just a glance at my face cheered me up. Now all that has gone to pot and i never imagined that it would be such a drop. Last time i was out and about and sociable i was like a Jason Preistly that Jason Priestly always wanted to be. Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp where my contempories. They still look great and i look like someone who has never shagged 200+ women/birds before i was 21. Im boring you but its important. That wasnt 200 rides to me as, a blowjob was always better than all that shagging business. No that was 200 about mmmm maybe 40 cracking women. bah im a bag of threads and im just wasting it talking about 'bloody football betting'.

Betting and Maths are full cousins, no half brothers. I dont mean in a statistical way, a way thats easy for me to pick wholes in. I mean that its all built on Axiums (cant spell and i only half know what it means but ive gone on too far now to stop. I dont know hpw to stop. Like betting, posting on this thread about nothing in particualr is therapeutic. Gone are the internet days when someone who only used betting forums anti-altruisticly for want of a better drunken.....hold on komp. Your now labouring on this thread. Thats a bad sign. Take your self defacing anti-illutionary self away from this thread for a bit and do something else. Come back to the thread with something new to offer with a fresh outlook. I will be back.

Im still here btw lol. Fuck there could be loads of good sciencey talk going on in Betnod Gen chat forum for the past hour for all i know. Spacecat could have popped in and he could be wondering if there was such a thing as a 'god pass' to ...well being happy but i suppose wealth and security is what he was talking about. It's like taking crazy drugs to get to satori or having relationships with women just because you cant think of anything else to do with your life. Ach im just saying that out of bitterness. I havent had free sex) or 'white woman sex' since the night Portugal knocked out England on penalties in the european World cup. even then i was more happy with a self wank whilst getting my balls licked. If only i could find a woman that prefered licking a mans balls and arse than their own sexual satisfaction then i would be sitting here right now on my nightshift break stacking shelves at tesco just so as my wages could be arrested by a woman (another) to feed kids etc etc. Most have you have done it. I always feared it. thats why i never got too close. ok ok now i really am boring. No i can beat that.......

I had a crazy dream last night want to know what happened? you where all there funnily enough and i dunno if i'll ever forgive you. Bah i want to talk about the implications of quantum mechanics which has taken the greatest scientists of all time 100 years or so to know absolutely nothing about it. Science is fueled by 'shiny gadgets'. Bah its all again down to your own personal Reality. Im not gonna sit here wasting my life hating on things i dont fully understand. actually no i am arent i? No longer relevant nor funny komp. How you gonna move on from this? spiritual love? Drug fueled hardly decipherable internet forum crap? Fuck i just trying to be realistic. I cant see how or why i can amount to anything bar a ....fuck i dont care. got a son, dont see him, i dont care. Havent worked in 15 years and i would rather live on 3 quid a week (no pound sign) with no heating. aye im feeling sorry for myself. Lets have a rare moment of feeling for myself. Poor me. Now hold on a sec.... for years ive beaten myself up about most of my failings. Like most things there is ying and a yang. Maybe i DESERVE to have a wee bit of self piity after all these years of torment. this is a strange concept for me and one im gonna go enjoy. sorry for goign on :(
Decaln McManus ex morton could by typical of life. Scores a few goals and gets mentioned on sky sports as he has the same 'real name' as Elvis costello and suddenly he's in the public moment. the '15 minutes of fame; wharol suggested. Before Decaln ex Morton player knows it he's had too much to drink and a squinted perception and he's up for rape. Mike tyson was probably the ultimate in losing touch with reality due to fame that i can remember but its quite a poor choice. No i cant do this. All this crap talk. I NEED something to focus on. something that i have to loss all doubt over things. Is ante post betting really that important komp or am i just making it all up?

I have to be honest with the BTTS coupon ive become a bit of a etting addict again. I aint a good, studious bettor....im jusr gonna stop right there. ok lets do something....

has football365 stats really gone? Is there anything remotely similar I like a bit of stat crunching kidding mjyself that i have a chance type betting these days. fuck all that 30 hours a week reading up on match reports and getting team news etc all for it it to be so fragile that even a gust of a butterflys wings in argentina could make a leather ball bobble over a fancied goalies hands and them 13 shots to 1 means fuck all when there is a goal between them (yawn) ok ok errr

Scots div 2 i dont see much to back after backing the 2 now favs at decent prices early doors.

I see simaon Murray is 4/5 fav to be top scorer still. I went pretty heavy on arbroath a few weeks ago v Queens Park after Murray signed for Dundee united after the season ends. I wrongly reckoned that starting full time training with a 'big club' whilst strolling about in the 2nd division would make the lad unstoppable. I was totally wrong. the boys done sod all since and isnt even an asset. Suppose he's just a daft boy. I was deluding myself in my thinking that i knew best. That said ive knpwn a lot of cunts who've lost a weeks wages backing 'good thing' statty teams that takes no thought or anaysis at all. they're Top of the league. have to win. I hate shallow backers im sorry. you know that though. I dont hate you i just hate anyone that thinks theyre doing anything clever backing teams as theyre heavy odds on to do it. yadda yadda.

If they just let me press down on their forehead ...fuck i should go to bed. Utter no good crap. Offering nothing. Next i'll be telling you all i farted and it smelled funny. whod have belived...argh i hate meeeee
im embarrassed by the above folks soz but morton still 5/2 for the league even after beating 2nd in the table forfar today. Peter McDonald getting the winner too. I believe Morton still have to meet Sttirling twice too. I'd make them still about ...11/8ish for the league. I think theyve 'cleaned out their closet' and it's full steam ahead.
No Peter McDonald for Morton last weekend so a draw v Brechin aint that bad. I havent looked myself but i read on pie and bovril that Stranraer have 7 away trips left this season and 5 of them are v the top 5. Morton are 'home game heavy' and possibly v the weaker teams. If your into your betting then go and have a look and fill your boots and let us know.
If i'd been about i'd have told you all that morton were a bad bet today. Aye on paper they looked good but they havet played well this year abeit picking up the points. Your Algorithmic Models wont tell you that so long live the komp.

I never told anyone that Morton at 11/4 was gona be easy and long time scottish bettors would have never expected otherwise. Still theyre 6/4 favs and definatly lively. good luck (we're gonna need it)